Roles: Art Director , Animator Illustration Package for Best Western

Project Overview

I collaborated with the Editors at and Illustrator Mira Norian to conceptualize this sponsored package. The project's goal was to showcase the diversity of families traveling across the United States. They required a main hero image to serve as an opener for the package, which would then link to other related pages.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to deliver an animated header within a tight deadline. We had only 2 weeks to complete the entire package, which included:

  • 1 animated package opener

  • 4 individual hero illustrations

I pitched the idea of an airport walkway, where we could incorporate diverse families into the background to create continuity throughout the package.

The Concept

I pitched the idea of an airport walkway, which served two key purposes:

  1. Ease of Animation: This concept made it straightforward to convert static images into animations. Even if last-minute changes were required, incorporating them would be fairly easy.

  2. Visual Continuity: It allowed us to weave the families from the individual articles into the main image, creating a cohesive and continuous visual narrative throughout the package.