Roles: Designer, Illustrator

Illustration @ MTA Fulton Center

In November 2023 I was commissioned by the MTA Arts & Design program to create a 52-screen installation at Fulton Center in NYC. This was an incredible opportunity for me. Having spent time in New York, I’ve always admired how art in subway stations adds moments of surprise and joy amidst the daily rush. I wanted to capture that feeling with Express Delivery, a playful series of 3D illustrations and animations that reflect the energy and diversity of the city’s commuters.

Bridget Donlon of MTA Arts & Design and I collaborated closely to ensure the visuals synced seamlessly across all 52 screens. Seeing it come to life in such a bustling, iconic space was both surreal and rewarding. My hope is that Express Delivery offers commuters a brief, delightful distraction—a reminder to find moments of wonder even in the most routine parts of city life.

Bridget wrote this wonderful description.

In Arif Qazi's "Express Delivery," multicolored animals - such as a giant dog, a cat in a shirt and tie, and a frog wearing a hoodie - masquerade as everyday commuters playfully traversing Fulton Center's 52 screens, including a humorously harried pigeon, the story's protagonist, who is carrying an elaborately decorated cake to an unknown recipient. The surprise and delight of these wondrous figures mirror the vibrancy of the densely populated environment that surrounds this transit hub.

The signature character, a harried pigeon carrying an elaborately decorated cake, creates the narrative thread of "Express Delivery." It crosses a busy intersection and nearly collides with another courier on a motorbike, hurries down an escalator, and moves along a subway platform before finally taking a break and letting the subway carry it along to its destination.

Read here on the MTA website

Below you will find photos of the screens at Fulton Street Station in Manhattan along with process images.

Here are some behind the scenes shot of how I arranged everything in my 3d scene. Including wireframes and color blocking.